
You got somthin’ to say??

12 thoughts on “guestbook

  1. Ruth

    You rock! and so does your website designer 🙂 Keep up the good work, you’ll find collaborators in your new home, just wait and see.

  2. doug b

    M & C-

    very nice, and a steal at the price -unless dinner included drinks, in which case it’s just a real bargain!

    miss y’all- play loud! =]


    1. Melissa McKenna Post author

      Sitting here in California pondering new tunes, claw foot tubs and what to eat for dinner. Maybe you’ll be up this way sometime?

  3. Shelly

    This looks great! Although it’s hard to encapsulate the artistry that is you on pages on the internet. 😉

    We’ve been listening to a particular Pandora station throughout the house lately and LOVE when BLH pops up unexpectedly. We always give the band a thumbs up to increase the treats.

    1. Melissa McKenna Post author

      Pandora tunes thanks to the determined work of Allison Andrews. One of many folks who did so much for the band.

  4. Ganesha

    Hi Melissa,
    It was nice to see you at the market yesterday. Did I mention I had just gotten back from skiing? I hope you’ll reply with an e-mail address. I’d like to send you an old photo.

  5. Kim H.

    I could hear the opening sentence in your voice☺it’s a cool story about how you got started. I look forward to your next cd.

    1. Melissa McKenna Post author

      What chew doin’ on my music site?! I doubt there will be another CD but thanks for the kind words Kim!

  6. David Duhon

    When someone tells me of some wonderful big name concert they heard, some famous band, I tell them I got to see Blue Line Highway a whole lot.


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